Pulled Pork

This is one of my summer favorites. Not only is it super yummy, but I'm down for any dinner that has the "set it and forget it" mentality. It's also so great if you are looking to feed a crowd. I know there is a lot of controversy over cooking methods for pulled pork, but I truly believe the crockpot is the way to go. Yes, shocker, I'm on team Crockpot. Not only will it save you time, but I truly believe it produces a superior product. Yep, I said it, and I stand by it. So let's dive in!


5 lb Pork butt

2 tablespoon Apple cider vinegar

BBQ Sauce

1/4 teaspoon Liquid smoke

1 cup Chicken stock

1/2 Banana pepper liquid

2 tablespoons Worcestershire Sauce

1 tablespoon Olive oil



Spice Rub:

1/4 cup Brown Sugar

1 teaspoon Salt

1/2 teaspoon Black Pepper

1 teaspoon Cumin

1/2 Cayenne

1 teaspoon Paprika

1 teaspoon Garlic powder

1 teaspoon Onion powder

Start by adding all the spices for the rub into a bowl and stir to combine.

Lay the pork out onto a sheet pan and rub the spice mix all over the pork.

In your crockpot bowl or dutch oven, heat olive oil over medium high. ( I know I preach about this all the time, but your girl loves her crockpot. Like for reals!!! So if you are in the market, treat yourself! You will not regret it.)

Place the pork onto the hot oil and cook on that side for 5 minutes until browned and the pork has a nice crust on the outside. It’s important to not move the pork until the crust has formed, so set it in the pan and leave it, don’t mess with it. Once one side is brown, flip her over and get the opposite side brown. Her tan lines need to be even.

Once done, place the pork into the crockpot (or if you took my advice and upgraded, just plop the insert back into the crock).

Place stock, pepper liquid, Worcestershire sauce, liquid smoke, and any remaining rub into the pot.

Place the lid on and set to low for 8-9 hours. (now I have done this 2 way low and slow and high and fast ((5-hours)) Im here to tell you there is a huge difference in the moistness of the meat. so if you have the time slow is the way to go. Good things come to those who wait.

Once or twice throughout the cook time I will baste the meat in the liquid from the crock.

Now that you have 8-9 hours to wait, here is a list of things to help you kill time until your mouth-watering pulled pork is ready to eat.

  • Make BBQ Sauce Duh

  • Clean out the spice cabinet (you know most of that Sh#t is expired)

  • Pour a glass of wine (not even nine yet?? add OJ)

  • Do a load of laundry

  • Pour more wine

  • Paint nails

  • Take that bag of donation items that’s been in your car for months to the drop off-center.

  • Clearly, after finally getting that crap out of your car, you deserve another Glass!

  • Put on a deep condition mask.

  • Start the baby album (does it matter that they are 10?? absolutely not).

  • Jazzercize

  • Clean under the couch. Tell no one what you find.

  • Now it is almost time for dinner, so pour some more wine.

Once that timer goes off, pull the pork out and place it onto a sheet pan ( do not throw out the liquid it cooked it. I repeat, DO NOT).

Using two forks, pull the meat apart, removing any fat bits or bones.

Scoop out that liquid gold and pour it over the meat. This will add flavor and keep it nice and juicy.

Now it's ready for a bun and that kick-ass sauce you made before you got drunk. I also like to top with some Coleslaw.

Thats it ladies and gents. Sit back and enjoy.

Cheers Babes



Memorial Day Table


The Best BBQ Sauce