Getting Organized…. Kids School Work


I'm not going to lie; I'm like most moms, where as soon as the folder comes home from school with all the day's masterpieces, I take a moment to enjoy their hard work, and then it's off to the recycle bin. I can't tell you how many nights I have spent outside rummaging through the bin for something I threw out days ago that they just had to have back. I don't know if it's a generational thing or growing up with a mama who saved everything (bless her heart). I just can't stand the clutter. So I have come up with a better way that takes up very little space.

Tools needed:

1 large 3 Ring Binder 3in

Pack of 3 ring dividers

Clear 3 ring protective slips

Colored card-stock or craft paper

Glue Stick


Fine tip markers.

School work, class picture or whatever your little heart want to save. Im sure your options are endless. 


Divide your binder through the 6th grade. Save all id badges, name tags from their desk or cubby, class pictures, anything you think is too adorable, artwork, things that show progress…. You get the point.

I will start by making a title page with an old name tag and a cute picture. Then, I go through grade by grade as they grow and make two pages in the binder dedicated to that grade. Some of the art will get its own spot in a clear folder, or if it's bulky/awkward, I will put a hole punch in and add it to the middle of that page. I will glue that grade's class picture and their school picture to some card stock and slip it in the other pages' clear folder. I have now condensed a whole year into one page and 8-9 years, depending on how long they were in pre-school for into one binder. I store the book in the kid's closet, and as the school year goes by, I just tuck away anything worth saving into the book. At the end of the year, I will pull out and assemble that year's portion of the book. My kids love to pull it out and look at it from time to time and see how they have grown. It's a sweet little way to preserve their things without taking up much space. It's a huge win-win in my book!

Cheers Babes



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