Getting Organized… Playroom


The playroom… a place where markers and play-dough go to die, and legos get lost forever!!! It feels like a never-ending job to keep this place clean, let alone organized. So I have a few tricks in an attempt to help. I have always had the mindset that if everything has a specific home, it will keep things neat and tidy way easier. So that's where we begin. I have found that if my kids know that all the legos go in one bin, markers in their own jar, they both live on the shelf, and they know where they need to be returned to (even at an early age). The more specific I can be with where something lives, the better my babes will be putting it back when it's time to clean up.


I bought these bins in two different sizes at Target. I use them to keep toys together without having to keep the boxes. I keep all of our Play-Dough, Magna-tiles, laser tag guns, building blocks, and so on in them. Pretty much anything that bigger and has lots of parts gets put in a bin. They stack great and are easy for the babes to pull in and out. Those all live in one side of my built-in.


Next, we move on to game and puzzle storage. I hate game boxes… yes, I said it. They break, they smash, all of the content falls out, makes a mess, and they are all different sizes. There has to be a better way!! I found these zip pouches on Amazon, and they have been a game-changer! They come in a ton of sizes and are a great way to keep everything together.

I take all the pieces out of the boxes and put the contents in a zipper bag. Then I cut the label off the box and tape it to the outside of the bag.


I bought them in three different sizes. I keep board games, puzzles (make sure to save something that shows what the puzzle looks like in the pouch), and card games in the smaller ones. It makes storage so much more compact.


I love the concept of shelving, but I hate the look of clutter. I have tried to organize the shelves in a way that ascetically looks pretty but is still functional. The baskets on our top-shelf have been painted red to match the playroom. I found cheap baskets that were the right dimension and spry painted them to be just what I wanted. I keep craft paper, stickers, rubber stamps, and glue up in them. In the glass jars, I keep markers, colored pencils, crayons, and paint sticks. This helps keep these things up where little hands can’t get to them. It also helps them to keep all the things together.


I will get on amazon maybe once or twice a year and restock all of our craft stuff. I will re-order markers, paint sticks, dot paints, craft paper, etc. That way, we always have a fully stocked craft area, and when they tell me they are board, I send them to craft. These few small steps make a huge difference in keeping the room less of a disaster. Like I have said before if it’s clear where things go, anyone can get them put back where they belong. I hope these tips help. Happy organizing.


Cheers Babe



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