Hot Spiced Wine

I love making this during the colder months. Not only does it taste delicious, but it also makes the house smell like Christmas. It’s so nice to be able to make it in big batches, so it's ready for guests. I make it every Halloween to hand out to neighbors and friends as they are trick or treating. Candy for kids, a little something-something for the adults.


2 bottles cheap Wine

1 cup fresh Cranberries

1/2 cup Honey

1 Orange cut into slices (extra for garnish)

1 1/2 cup Orange Liquor

2 cups Apple Cider

3 Cinnamon sticks (extra for garnish)

2 tablespoons Mullins Spices (I use a pre-made mulling spice mix, but all it is is clove, allspice and cinnamon; if you have it on hand, you do not need the mix)



Cut a square of the cheesecloth and add the spices to the middle.

Use the string to tie it up and make a pouch.

In a large dutch oven (or a crockpot), add the wine, apple cider, orange liquor, honey and stir to help dissolve the honey.

Add the spices, cranberries, and oranges and let simmer on low for 30-40 minutes.

This will really allow all of the flavors to melt together.

I like to garnish with fresh orange and a cinnamon stick.

Add to a to-go coffee cup and follow around your little trick or treaters. No one will know!!

Cheers Babes



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