Hot Buttered Rum


Living in a city with four true seasons, as soon as the weather turns cold, I’m freezing all the time. I love making hot drinks to help keep me warm during the long cold winter. This sweet and creamy drink always puts me in a festive mood.


Butter Rum Batter

1 cup Butter softened

1 cup Brown sugar

3 Tbs Cinnamon

1Tbs Nutmeg

1 Tbs Cloves

1 tsp Vanilla

In the bowl of an electric mixer with a paddle attachment, cream butter until it is light and fluffy.

Add in your brown sugar and mix until your batter changes in color. About 2 minuets.

Add in your spices and vanilla and mix until combines.

Add your batter to a container with a lid and store in the fridge for up to a month. (like it would really last that long)


To assemble your cocktail, you will add one heaping tablespoon of your batter to a mug. Add one Jigger (or 1.5oz) of spiced rum and top with hot water. Stir until your batter is completely dissolved. I like to top mine with whipped cream because why not!!! Dust with a little ground cinnamon and add a cinnamon stick as a garnish because we are fancy like that, and even though I am most likely in dirty PJ’s with some form of messy bun on my head. Now find a cozy spot to sit and enjoy!

You will find me here, day drinking. XOXO Cheers Babes

You will find me here, day drinking.


Cheers Babes


Velvet Bow Tablescape


Cranberry Sauce