Ribbon Flag

If you’ve been a round for a while you know I’m a sucker for anything patriotic. I absolutely love me a good red white and blue moment. Now things are getting better, but home decor for this season leaves little to be desired. So what’s this crafty girl to do??? that’s a rhetorical question… you know what’s about to go down. We are making shit, not just any shit, we are making patriotic shit!!


8-10 spools of ribbon in different widths and patterns (but all red or white)

4 different 1/2 yard fabric pieces (also red or white)

White Ricrac

1/3 yard navy with white star fabric

Drift wood stick or wooden dowel


Hot glue gun

1 1/2 yard white cording or rope

To start, make a small cut in the top long direction of the fabric and rip the fabric into long strips. Repeats this step until all the fabric is in strips. Don’t worry about them being perfect. I think they look best when they are all a little different.

Once all the fabric has been turned into ribbon strips its time to cut the ribbon to match it length wise.

Now that all the ribbon is prepped its time to attach it to our wooden stick.

Tie the ribbon around the stick and knot it. Pull it tight and line it up so all the knots face the same direction.

Repeat this step with all the remaining ribbon until it covers the entire stick.

I did try to alternate so the white and red were evenly dispersed.

Cut out a 9 x 12 rectangle out of the navy star fabric.

Measure out the ricrac to fit the outside edge of the fabric, then hot glue it along the edges to create a border.

Cut 2 small holes in the top 2 corners of the navy fabric and attach the fabric to the stick with some of the left over ribbon.

Tie the cord to each end the the stick to hang the flag from.

Now its time to hang this darling patriotic work of art.

Cheers Babes



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