Lemon Curd

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I love to use Lemon Curd in a lot of my recipes. It's an easy way to take your cakes and tarts to the next level.  My good girlfriend also adds it to her s’mores (100% with it!!).  Its one of those thing making homemade is going to be so much better than stop bought and is supper easy.

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1 cup Lemon Juice (fresh squeezed is the best)

1 cup Sugar

4 Egg Yolks

1 tablespoon Corn Starch 

1 teaspoon Vanilla Bean Paste

2 tablespoons Butter

1 tablespoon leman zest

Makes 2 cups

In a small sauce pan bring lemon juice to a boil

In a separate bowl add sugar, cornstarch, vanilla bean paste  and egg yolks. Whisk together until a paste forms. 

Once lemon juice is at a boil ladle a small amount into your sugar paste and whisk. This is called tempering, It's going to keep you from having scrambled lemon eggs. Not what we are after.  Once you get one label stirred in add another and whisk again.  

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The key to all of this is whisking and fast. If the hot liquid sits on the egg paste for too long at any one point it will curdle.  So give it all you got.  Once you have the sugar paste mixture closer to the same temperature as the lemon juice you can add the paste into the sauce pan with the lemon juice.  Like we discussed before you once again be fast and whisk!!! 

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Once you have it well combined keep whisking until it stares to thickens.   

Once your mixture is thick remove it from the heat and keep stirring for another minute to help it cool down. 

Next add the butter and you guessed it whisk it Girl!!!!

Strain the mixture into a bowl with a fine mesh strainer and add Lemon zest.

Cover to the surface with plastic wrap and store in the fridge. 

Store in a jar in the fridge for up to a month (as if it could even last that long)

This is the perfect addition to cakes, tarts, Ice Cream, s’mores, scones, or let not joke to eat out of the jar with a MF spoon.  

Cheers Babes 



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