Terracotta Pumpkins

Ok, so we are out with the old and in with the new. We went from wanting everything in the gray family to wanting warmer/ natural colors. I’m not going to lie here; I’m all for it. I watched a video on a certain social media platform (that I watch way too much of) of a woman taking jack-o-lanterns and giving them the once over to make them a little more aesthetically pleasing. I loved the concept, but I live in a 100-year-old house, and storage is at a premium, so if I’m going to make decor, I want it to be able to span all fall, not just Halloween. This craft maybe took 20 minutes from start to finish, and I love the way they turned out!!


Plastic Pumpkins

Baking Soda


2 Paint Brush’s


Parchment paper

I went to my local craft store and picked up a few different sized foam pumpkins. I love that these had fun, detailed stems on them.

I mixed the whole tube of paint with a tablespoon of baking soda in a bowl. The baking soda will give the pumpkin more of a ceramic texture.

Then paint the whole pumpkin with the paint mixture.

Let the pumpkin dry on the parchment paper for 10 minutes.

While the paint is still tacky, brush flour over the top of the pumpkin to complete the terracotta look.

Continue to use the dry brush to remove any excess flour.

Now your pretty little pumpkins are ready to be set out.


Paper leaves


Gluten Free Ricotta Cake