3 Summer Marinades

There is nothing better than grilling out in the summer. Cold bevy in hand, hanging out outside in the pretty light of the evening and watching the babes play. We get to be so darn busy in the summer I love to have things on hand ready to grill. Not to mention, we are currently out of a kitchen, so grilling is our only option. I have put together three simple marinades to take your grilling to the next level.

Honey Lemon Marinade


1/2 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1/4 cup Honey

2 teaspoon fresh Garlic (You know I love my Trader Joes frozen garlic)

3 heaping tablespoons of fresh Parsley

1 teaspoon Salt

Juice from 1 Lemon

1 1/2 lb Shrimp (peeled tail on and deveined)

Wooden skewers

I used shrimp for this, but you could also use Chicken.

Submerge wooden skewers in a bowl of water and let soak for 10 minutes.

Start by prepping the shrimp. I like to remove the shell but leave the tail. Then make a small cut along the top to the tail to remove the vein.

Rinse shrimp to make sure all the shell is removed and lay flat on a dry paper towel to dry.

Place shrimp on wooden skewers.

Rough chop the parsley and place in a bowl.

Add the olive oil, garlic, salt, honey, and lemon juice to the bowl.

Stir up the ingredients to combine.

Spoon the marinade over shrimp.

Place in the refrigerator for a few hours to overnight.

Grill for 5 minutes per side and enjoy. We use our Traeger Grill to help bring out all the flavors!

Classic Italian Marinade

What I love most about this is it will go with almost anything. It's like the little black dress of marinades. Chicken, steak, fish, or even fresh veggies you like to grill. You have so many freaking options.


1/4 cup Soysauce

1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce

1/2 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil

2 teaspoon fresh Garlic

1/3 cup fresh Lemon Juice

1/4 teaspoon Cayenne Pepper

1/2 teaspoon Black Pepper

1/2 teaspoon Salt

1/1/2 tablespoon dried Parsley

2 tablespoons dried Basil

5-6 Chicken thighs

In a bowl, add chicken thighs. (or whatever you do you boo)

On top of the chicken, add lemon juice, soy sauce, and Worcestershire sauce.

Slowly add the olive oil and mix it to coat evenly.

Add the spices and continue to mix until combined.

Let sit for a few hours or overnight.

Fire up your grill, pour a glass of wine, and enjoy.

Classic Chimichurri

Ok, I'm not gonna lie this is something that I have just recently started making, and now I am hooked! Not only will this take your steak to the next level… I like to add it as a fresh sauce on almost everything!! When I make it, I will make a big batch, so we have some leftovers for eggs and toast in the morning or to add as a spread on a Sammy later.


3 tablespoons Fresh Garlic

1 cup fresh Italian Parsley rough chopped

1 cup fresh Cilantro rough chopped

1 tablespoon fresh Lemon juice

2 tablespoons fresh Lime juice

1/4 cup fresh Oregano chopped

1/2 teaspoon Red Chili Flakes

1/2 small Shallot finely chopped

1/2 teaspoon Black Pepper

1/2 teaspoon Cumin

1 1/2 teaspoon Salt

1/2 cup EVOO

2 tablespoons Red Wine Vinegar

Start by chopping the fresh herbs and adding them to a bowl.

Remove the outer layer from the shallot and the rooted end.

Cut the shallot in half, dice one half of it, and add it to the bowl.

Add the red wine vinegar, citrus juice, and Evoo to the bowl and give it a good mix.

To that, add the garlic and remaining spice.

I like to give it a little taste test with a tortilla chip but be warned because then I eat 1/2 of it, so make extra. You want a balance between salt, heat, and acid. If it needs adjusting, it needs a little more salt or citrus juice.

Lay the steaks out on a baking sheet and spoon 1/2 the sauce over the top. (be mindful not to let the spoon touch the raw meat so you can save some for after its done cooking)

Let sit for 30 minutes to an hour, and then you are ready to grill. Once the meat is cooked, let it rest and top with the remaining sauce. You and thank me later for your next summer staple.

Cheers Babes



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